ALL-ON-4 Dental Implants Plantation FL

ALL-ON-4 Dental Implants Plantation FL

all on 4 dental implants cost

ALL-ON-4 Dental Implants Plantation FL

As of 2023, The dental term All-on-4 implants solution refers to "all" teeth (known as teeth-in-a-day) being supported "on four" small titanium screws that are inserted into the jawbone, a surgical and dental prosthodontic procedure for total rehabilitation for patients with badly broken down teeth, decayed teeth or compromised teeth due to gum disease.all-on-4 dental implants cost

It consists of the rehabilitation of either the top jaw or bottom jaw or both jaws with four implants supporting a fixed prosthesis with 10 to 12 teeth and it is placed immediately, typically within 24 hours of surgery.

Instead of using one dental implant for every missing tooth, you can simply use 4 dental implants on top and 4 dental implants on the bottom as the main anchors. Then your dentist can attach teeth-in-a-day as a bridge at those implant spots

The Cost of an ALL-ON-4 Dental Implants

The cost of ALL-ON-4 dental implants varies depending on the type of teeth material used and the number of teeth to be removed. Another factor is part of the entire process your insurance plan may cover.

ALL-ON-4 dental implants can be quite expensive, so it’s important to see an experienced insurance coordinator to have the insurance to cover, at least, some of the cost of extractions.

As of 2023, the standard of the ALL-ON-4 option involves using an acrylic denture built around a strong titanium framework. It costs on average between $22,000 and $24,000. Keep in mind, that if you go to more than one dentist location for the procedure, it ends up costing about $4,000 to $5,000 more. The cost of replacing broken acrylic teeth is about $250 - $750all-on-4 cost starts at $22,000

ALL-ON-4 Dental Implants with Porcelain Teeth

Teeth made of porcelain are more natural-looking and will last longer than acrylic. However, these types of tooth material may be an additional $4,500 per jaw. So, the whole procedure could end up costing between $27,000 and $29,000. Replacing a broken porcelain denture costs about $10,000.

What is ALL-ON-4 Dental Implants Procedure?

It is concerning to get dental implants for the first time. Most of that dental phobia may be uncertain, so here is the step-by-step process for getting ALL-ON-4 dental implants:

First, local, IV twilight anesthesia or general anesthesia will be administered.

Second, the dentist will prepare your gums for the implants, which involves extracting your remaining teeth that are failing and any wisdom teeth you may have. The dentist will then remove any diseased or infected tissue from your jaw and gums.

Third, the dentist will begin the implant placement process. This means they will insert the small titanium screws into your jawbone one at a time and apart from each other, two implants toward the front of your mouth and two implants toward the back of your mouth.

Then, they will clean and suture all the incisions made. Finally, you will be taken to a recovery room where you can relax and take time to wake up from the anesthesia.

The standard ALL-ON-4 dental implants procedure involves anesthesia, preparation of the gums, placing the implant, and suturing.

When transitioning from a lying-down position to standing, it’s best to do so slowly to avoid getting lightheaded.

All-ON-4 Dental Implants Recovery Time

The recovery time after getting traditional dentures with implants ranges from 4 to 6 months, but after getting an ALL-ON-4 and Teeth-in-a-day, you should be functioning much sooner in about several days to a few weeks.

The reason is that the titanium bar attached to the 4 implants provides significant stability to the teeth-in-a-day as a fixed bridge from the first day. This is why you as a patient can start eating from day one.

First-Day Dental Implant Recovery

The first three hours after 4 implants placement, you would be asked to ice pack your cheek area over the surgery site for two hours. Then after the second hour, you may be asked to start taking some anti-inflammatory prescribed medication.

When you go home after dental implant surgery, make sure you don’t do anything that would raise your blood pressure. disturb the blood clot. Do not rinse or touch the surgical areas, except for gentle brushing. Smoking after implant surgery is not advised for seven days.

48 hours after implant surgery, if there still is minimal bleeding, you can gently rinse your mouth with saltwater. Mix one tablespoon of iodized salt twice a day with eight ounces of warm water and rinse gently for 20 seconds.

It is key for your recovery to keep your mouth as clean as possible. Your dentist will prescribe Peridex mouth rinse to prevent any bacterial infection.

Ten days After Implant Surgery

At this time, you should be working or going back to your normal daily activities including working out, bending over, and lifting heavy objects regularly do so.

The most important thing to remember during the first 4-6 weeks of recovery is eating soft foods ONLY.

Common ALL-ON-4 Complications And How To Deal With The Outcome

Common ALL-ON-4 issues you may experience in the days after dental implants surgery are:


Swelling is a normal part of getting implant surgery, and it will reach its peak at the end of the 3 days after the surgery. Using ice or a cold pack on your cheek within the 24 hours following the procedure helps control the swelling (20 minutes on and 20 minutes off with a paper towel between the ice-cold pack and your cheek).


If you find that you are experiencing bleeding that would not stop, this usually means you may be biting down on the gauze packs without them covering the surgical areas. Reposition the gauze and bite down continuously for 30 minutes.

If this does not help and the bleeding still continues, then is best to call the office for specific over-the-phone instructions.


This is common when dealing with surgery in general. Your dentist will have given you a prescription for pain medicine. It is important to take the medication as directed on the bottle label.

Soft Diet

It is ok to be on a soft diet from day one. Just avoid any hard foods and hot foods, and chewing too much is not recommended as it may cause some unnecessary trauma to the implants. The best practice is to consume only soft food like pureed food and liquids high in protein.

Most importantly, make sure you are getting great nutrition and vitamin C, no matter how inconvenient it may be. It’s important to your healing and timely recovery.


You may experience nausea from any of the medicines you’ll be taking including administered anesthesia. A flat carbonated drink and a lectin-free diet help tone down the sickness. If nausea persists or gets severe, call your dentist.

Dry Lips

Sometimes it is expected that your lips will become dry as your mouth will be slightly stretched from pulling away from your cheeks and lips. You can use Vaseline or some other hydrating ointment.

Muscles Soreness

Your lower jaw muscles may become stiff, again because the dentist keeps your bottom jaw open in the same position for long periods of time. To counteract this, you can gently and slowly open all the way and close down your jaw every other hour.

Surgical ALL-ON-4 Complications

With any type of surgery, there is always some degree of risk involved. With an ALL-ON-4 dental implant procedure, some unlikely complications include bacterial infection, delay and poor healing, and bleeding.

It is best to let your dentist know of any abnormal changes.

ALL-ON-4 Dental Implant Failures

Occasionally, the bone may not take the dental implant. Factors that affect how well an implant will integrate (fuse) with your bone are if you smoke, the health and quality of your bone density, your nutrition, and a few other factors.

If an implant fails to fuse with your bone, your dentist can remove the implant, let the area heal, and insert a bigger and longer new implant.

This is a rare occurrence about 1-4 % of the time. Dental implants are friendly to the gums and bone and have a high success rate, but if the implant does not take, your dentist can always replace the implant.

The most common reason for a failed implant can is gum disease, which you can avoid by taking good care of your implants and the surrounding gums and going to regular checkups.

Reviews Of All-On-4 Dental Implants

In general, patients who get ALL-ON-4 Dental Implants are satisfied with their new set of teeth. As long as you go to an experienced, reliable, and trusted dentist, you should have a similar experience. All-on-4 reviews

ALL-ON-4 Dental implants Testimonials: “I love them so much,” one All-On-4 patient said on “They went in a dream. Didn’t take very long and only a tiny little adjustment was made to the lower set. Absolutely no pain at all. I can honestly say they feel so normal, exactly like my own teeth felt (without any of the pain).”

Another ALL-ON-4 patient was happy with their new teeth-in-a-day, despite wishing they still had their natural teeth.

“I have no regrets!” she said. “Would I rather have my original teeth? Of course. But I didn’t take care of them and I feel like I got the best thing available on the market at this point in time. The teeth look natural, the gums look normal…”

Overall, All-ON-4 patients are happy with their fixed dental prostheses.

Cheapest Way To have All-On-4 Dental Implants

The cheapest way to get an ALL-ON-4 procedure is to find a dentist who owns a private practice dental office that performs these types of high-end procedures. Avoid going to a chain of corporate dental offices that are owned and run by business executives who create strict and relatively high fees that are not negotiable. Moreover, when choosing one location, fees are much lower when compared to a two-location approach, where both doctors from two locations would charge separate fees, significantly increasing the total cost of the procedure.

Where Can I Find A Dentist Near Me Who Does All-On-4 Dental Implants?

By far the best way to find a dentist near you who will do an ALL-ON-4 dental implant do a Google search. This may take some time, but in the end, it will be worth having a nice new set of teeth that last a long time.

all-on-4 dental implants Plantation FL

All-on-4 Procedure Summary

In summary, the All-On-4 procedure can be expensive, but dental insurance helps with the cost regardless of the type of implant you get. But despite all of this, all-on-4 patients, generally, have been successful.

Dentist Plantation, FL

Max Arocha DMD

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