Restore Your Smile With All-On-4 Dental Implants

Restore Your Smile With All-On-4 Dental Implants

how does all on 4 dental implants work

Restore Your Smile With All-On-4 Dental Implants

Do you want to complete your smile? You can now restore your perfect smile with dental implants from your Plantation, FL, dentists at Sedation Dentistry.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are the only tooth replacement method that replaces your tooth root, not just the crown. During the procedure, your dentist will replace the tooth roots with metal screw-like posts. The posts are responsible for supporting the upper part of the implant. The upper part can be single or multiple crowns, fixed bridges, or removable loose dentures. The important thing about dental implants is that they look exactly like your natural teeth.

How is the procedure done?

Before they start the procedure, your dentist will perform a check-up using X-rays. This step is done to be sure that you don’t have any cavities and that your jawbone can tolerate the posts and support them well. After that, your dentist will place the metal posts, which serve as your tooth roots. The titanium inside the posts will fuse with your jawbone, forming stable non-slippery implants.

Usually, the process takes several appointments to be done. In Sedation Dentistry, we offer one-day dental implants in our Plantation, FL, office. So, our patients can get their implants done in just one appointment. We specialize in general anesthesia and twilight sedation, which will beat your dental anxiety. Also, our advanced minimal invasive laser techniques provide a fast recovery in some cases.

Who are the candidates for dental implants?

After doing the needed oral examinations, our dentists can decide whether you are a candidate for this procedure or you are not. To have a dental implant, patients must have:

  • Enough bone density
  • Fully developed jawbone
  • Healthy oral cavity

Some health conditions, as well as tobacco smoking, might delay bone healing. Your dentist will check for these problems and then take their decision.

Post-procedure care

Brushing twice daily and flossing at least once, are enough to keep your implants healthy. They don’t require any special care, which makes them easy to handle. Also, they can’t decay, which is an added benefit.

Restore your smile with dental implants in Plantation, FL, and enjoy your fabulous appearance. Visit your dentists of Sedation Dentistry to get the best dental treatments and care. Call us at (954) 432-7771 to book your appointment.

Dentist Plantation, FL

Max Arocha DMD

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